Monday, April 2, 2012

Decisions can be made

To move or not to move, that was the question. Well, more like the decision that needed to be made and I've told you how I am at making decisions. Not my strong point. And a big decision like this had lots of options to weigh and I wanted to make sure that it was a joint decision, not to mention hopefully the right one. So we started with a trip out to Colorado, because there was no way in you know what that I was moving to a new state without ever having been there. It was the first time for both of us and we loved it. The mountains were amazing, the city was clean and had such a fun atmosphere and it had everything that we love to do. We had a wonderful time, so much so that I am going back with my mom and sis in a few weeks. We sat at dinner on our last night there at Vesta Dipping Grill (YUMM) and said "Yep, we'll move here" and ended our evening at a brewery downtown discussing our new life in Denver. Our trip was short but sweet and we waited for the offer. (An offer from Jim's work) I thought it would be cut and dry- good offer we move, not so good offer we stay. Well not so. It came, and it was a right in the middle, could go either way, not life changing, not so cut and dry. So then we discussed everything over and over and then over a million more times, because that's what I like to do. Discuss and pick apart every little detail and what if until my face turns blue or Jim falls asleep from my constant rambling. And when I say everything, I mean everything. "Do we bring our Christmas Tree with us?" "How do I make friends?" "What if the dog's don't like it?" "Should I learn to ski or is snowboarding easier?" "Do they dress the same as here?" These were some of the questions going through my head, which I asked, and then my common sense thinking hubby responded with some smart ass answer to each one like "No, they don't celebrate Christmas in Colorado" and "No, they only wear western clothes".
Along with all the crazy and off the wall questions that popped into my head the big ones also came up. It's a perfect time to move because we don't have kids yet, but I want kids soon and do I want to raise them away from my family? I don't have a job in Colorado, and would need a teaching license. How do I get that and what are the jobs like? What if I can't find one and am back at square one like a few years ago? That sucked! How the heck do you make friends as an adult in a new state? Especially if you don't have a job or kids!? Will we be able to sell our house that we just bought and updated a year ago? And get our money back? What if I hate it? What if I love it and never want to move home? Will my nieces forget me? Will Jim like his new job? Will I like being home alone at least 3 nights a week in a new state?
So after all of those questions would run through my head at night and we'd talk through them and then I'd lay awake thinking about it with this "I don't know if I can do it" feeling. Then, I would wake up in the morning with a new outlook. Each morning brought with it this feeling of freedom and excitement and newness and I would feel good about it and ready and then night would hit and I'd be back to my questioning self. The morning of the actual final decision I still didn't know what to do, but we did have an answer to pretty much every question I had been asking over and over for a month. (yes, that's how long this went on, at the very least). The biggest decision maker was time. We love spending time together, we do a lot as a couple and this new job would have been much more travel, more than he does now and I don't want to move to a new place if I'm going to have to experience it on my own. I want to experience it with him and not just through the phone and text messages. So, Colorado is not gaining two new residence for now, but if we're ever missing for a few days, you might want to start your search in the mountains because it is an absolutely breath taking place. I did learn through this experience though. We can actually make big decisions and feel good about doing it and I am still ready for adventure and new things it's just going to have to be Minnesota bound adventures. I may even give making new friends a try, that way if and when we do move I'll have that question figured out. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sooooooooooo happy you are not moving and your bird nest necklace is awesome! Working with wire can be a challenge, you did a great job!!!!!!!!
