Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Apparently February has arrived and it's almost half over already? There is a part of me that can't believe it's mid February and the other part feels like Christmas was about 9 months ago and it should be August. I still don't even have my Valentine's Day decorations up and at this point I'm not sure they're going to make it out just to be taken down in 3 days. Obviously one would assume I've been super busy to not even realize February rolled around, not put out holiday decorations, and not blog for the last 2 weeks, but truth is I've just been a slacker lately. My sis gave me a little wake up call this weekend with this text

That was after our "what have you done with your weekend" phone call to which my responses included lots of naps and movie watching. After that I started thinking about the past 2 months and what's been happening and I realized a lot of nothing...which includes that list of New Year's Resolutions. So I thought I'd give you an update on those babies.

1. Learn how to use my camera. I've picked up my camera once since I wrote my list and that was this past weekend. I tried to take a picture through the window (and the blinds because the damn things wouldn't go up) of the huge snow flakes falling outside and surprise, surprise it didn't turn out so I deleted it and put the camera back on the shelf. I wasn't about to get my outside gear on to take a picture. I told you...slacker.

2. Spend more quality time with my family and friends. Considering I didn't even remember my father's birthday in January until 3 days after the fact when my sister mentioned it, it's safe to assume I've not been doing so hot in this department. Sorry Dad.

3. Take care of my car. Check engine light is on. Enough said.

4. Get Pico to stop licking the carpet. 
It's going about that well and I think he's even trying to recruit Charlie. But so far she doesn't get it and just licks her feet.

5. Be happy with the calm. I do think I am succeeding with this one. I have taken many baths and lots of naps and nothing has happened in the last few weeks and I'm okay with that.

6. Drink more water. If carbonated water and tea count and I say they do then yes! I've been doing great!

Also, I still have not gotten my Hogwarts acceptance letter, but I'm holding out hope.

How are your resolutions going?

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