Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Whooo's Here?

I mentioned in my last post that there were lots of changes happening with my job. Well, long story extremely short, I'm moving buildings and getting 3 new classes. Which obviously means a new classroom and new students. So, since the hubs was gone tonight at a work event I got some work done for my new classroom. I needed a new way to do "who's here" at circle time so that my students learn to recognize themselves in a picture, their written name, and get to learn their friends names. I did some searching on the great wide web and found this idea and had to copy. I love owls and this was too cute. Here are how mine turned out.

I need to make a few more, but I got 10 done tonight. I'm going to laminate them, then add the students picture to the back with velcro and their written name to the front using my erasable permanent marker trick so I can use them year after year.

Doesn't this just make you want to come join in on the fun in the new room 112 so you can have your very own owl?

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