Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Think Green

Or just think about 4 leaf clovers, leprechauns, gold, beer, and Irish men...whatever works. I got some crafting done on my snow day yesterday. I did a few things I've been meaning to do but haven't got around to. I FINALLY sewed new pillow cases for my throw pillows. All that orange was a little too much color and I needed to go back to my safety neutrals. After I sewed 6 new covers I figured I should make at least one of them festive and I came up with this. I'm regretting the green clover but I can't get it off so I'll have to live with it.

I used freezer paper, an x-acto knife, and paint to get "Lucky" on there and then used Steam-a-Seam for the clover.

I also stumbled upon this website through Pinterest and copied her clover "flowers" and St. Patty's Day banner. I love that I can't kill those flowers! They may be my new go to "plant". For the banner I had to cut pages from a book which gave me a little bit lot of anxiety, but after spending a good 15 minutes deciding which book I would most definitely NEVER EVER EVER read again (rest assured it was not a Harry Potter book-not even the one I have two copies of) I finally chose one and I actually love how it turned out. AND I still have a few hundred pages to use for more projects.

If you don't have skewers, no worries. Those chopsticks that sit in the drawer that you never use work great!

Having some decoration in this house after taking down my beloved Christmas decorations is making me happy! Do you decorate for St. Patty's Day or move right along to Easter?

1 comment:

  1. Oh DECORATE by all means!!!! The leprechauns need to feel welcomed when they sneak in to hide their green coins for gathering on stp day morn. The bunny and the fat guy have nothing on the little green guys!
