I must say, it has been quite the week. I know it's been awhile since I posted, my computer decided to stop working...so that's fun. Anyways, I look AWESOME. just sayin'. My ears down to my chin has broken out in a rash. I've had it for a week and at first I thought it was acne. I've NEVER had acne, besides that occasional pimple that shows up once a month. So as you can imagine I was freaking out! I was trying to figure out what the crap was happening. Well here lies the problem...I have this problem with doing too many things at once which make it almost impossible to figure out what causes these out brakes or reactions or grossness (whatever you want to call it). I also have this issue with not sticking to brands or things that work. I like to try new things which can lead to many problems. Let me explain. A few weeks ago I ran out of face wash so of course I buy a new brand I've never tried. My whole body including my face has also been extremely dry so I've been putting like 3 different lotions on my face throughout the day, whatever was closest to me I put on. Then I realized that my face makeup had gotten a little dark due to the lack of sun my face got to see. I've stopped doing the whole tanning bed thing because I am trying to make some healthy changes in my life and it was either that or the chips and dip and cupcakes. I can live without the tanning bed, not so sure about the cupcakes. So now that my makeup didn't work I of course had to buy a new (one I hadn't used in a year or two) concealer. My face had plenty of changes to deal with...new makeup, 200 different lotions, new face wash, and dry skin all in the span of about 2 weeks. Welcome, small bumps all over. When they first appeared I thought it was dry skin so I applied more lotion of course, even going to the extreme of pure oil on my face because it was that horrible!
On Friday, after a whole week of this I had had it. A friend at work told me about the Clarisonic Mia. I read reviews and it looked good so I went out that night and spent $150 on one. I love it...I think I love it, but the bumps are still here after 2 days. I saw my sister yesterday and she said "that's not acne, I know acne and that's not it, that's a rash". I started thinking about all of the new products and things I had been using that I could possibly be allergic to, humm there were only about 6 to choose from. How was I supposed to weed them all out and figure out which one it was, that would take forever. Well,this morning the light bulb finally went off. GOOGLE IT! When you don't have an answer you google it. So I did. I typed in small bumps on ears and face rash? The first link was a yahoo thread where a girl said her iPod earphones gave her a rash that didn't really hurt but felt more like a mild burning (same as me!). And there it was, my answer- well at least I think so.
You see, a week ago I joined a gym (which I've been to everyday and am LOVING IT) which meant bringing the iPod nano with me that we've had sitting in a drawer since Jim won it from work a year or so ago. It makes total sense. The rash is only from my ears down where the cord would touch my face and on my ear lobes. I hope this is the answer to my facial grossness. Thank goodness for Google and the lady who is also allergic to iPod earphones. Don't you just love when you find that random person from the world wide web who has the answer to your question. No matter how big or small? It could be the recipe for dinner from your 5 ingredients that you have left in your fridge. The quick fix for the virus on your computer. The decoration for that spot in your house you just can't figure out what to do with it. Or the answer to the gross rash on your face or the pain you've been dealing with and no doctor can tell you the answer. Whatever it is, it feels good to finally get an answer, even if it is from a stranger or person you'll never meet. They just made your day. So keep posting your answers to questions big and small, I bet you'll help someone and they'll be grateful.
Now that you've read way too much about my face issues, enjoy your week. I am starting it off right with a sleep over tonight with the nieces and leaving for Colorado on Wednesday. Yay for spring break! Have a good week! :)
Why are you going to Colorado? Fill me in, please!